Using Habit Stacking to Get More Done
How and why habit stacking leads to more productivity during the day
Habit Stacks
one builds upon the other:
new on top of anchor-
the simple way of adding
small rituals into your day
Start small- 5 minutes of
journaling added after
showering in the morning
or reading after coming home
stowing the keys in a specific location
ways to be more productive,
add new to the old and
get more done to buy back
time and energy by focus.
The act of stacking habits is simple, but life changing. It starts with the habits we have every day, such as waking up, getting dressed or brushing our teeth. It builds with new habits we want to develop or habits we want to make sure we are doing daily.
Habit stacking means simply tying one habit to another. For example, if you want to start reading more for self growth, place reading between, after or before an established habit, such as coming in the door from work.
A habit stack would work in this example as: get home from work, put down keys, read for 15 minutes and then start dinner.
Having habit stacks leads to more productivity as it becomes easier and quicker to accomplish habits. Once a stack, or a routine becomes part of our lives, it is almost automatic.
What does habit stacking have to do with simplicity?
In trying to make life simplier, habit stacking helps to remove some of the stress that comes from doing things sporadically.
Inherent is a routine which allows us to get more done and to have more time to enjoy another activity.
Even in simple living, sometimes you’ll find that you want to try a different habit. For example, decluttering. Sticking decluttering or cleaning out a small area at a time can be stacked into our daily habits.
A morning routine is also a fantastic example of a habit stack. Let’s say that you want to wake up, brush your teeth and then complete a morning routine of reading, writing and affirmations. Brushing teeth in this example is the anchor habit that we’ll build on. Each of the morning routine activities happen one after the other and build upon each other to accomplish the morning routine.