Sunday Blessing Recall
Poem 4 of 30 in NaPoWriMo 2020
Randy lets me be a passenger on a trip to Walmart,
Jiff’s peanut butter, blocks of cheese, and chips-
the ever ending search for peroxide and toilet paper.
Yet, it feels good, for once, to escape the world of driving.
Clean the laundry and dishes, an hour chatting with mom-
about the dystopian year we live in in 2020: the word
essential gets thrown around a lot.
Essential employees who can escape the stay home orders.
Essential tasks not to go insane during quarantine.
The essentialism of cancelling weddings, concerts,
coupled with the endless staycation rules.
I’m lucky enough to be working overtime
at my new job, even if it does mean I have to leave the house.
Mom sobs once I’m out the door (lucky to be loved)
for my staycation at Randy’s- trying to protect her
from the outside world, like she protects me.
It’s in times of crisis that you remember that
things like having clean clothes, good food
and a British man who loves to cook are
really the foundation of happiness.