Love Poem to Spring
I’m glad to see you again, old friend
A deer jolts in front of my Subaru,
I sit in awe after the slight swerve
and stop
watching his brown fur speckled
with white disappear over the road
and hillside which soon will be
covered in flowers.
The rain starts as I pull in front of the house
at 5: grateful for the extending light
as I park and pull
the hood over my ears-
thinking of how I’ve loved
light shower walks since college
when I found the light mist refreshing after sleepless nights.
In a day, the snow melts, filling
me with hope.
I daydream slightly of childhood Easter
morning bonfires- in new irridescent
shoes and white dress under
a heavy coat venturing out at 6 am to catch
the first rays of light while smelling
the burning wood thinking
of fish fries in the first years of A.D.