Keep Going
The road seems too long, the mountain too high.
I feel like I’ve walked this barren wasteland
half of my life- past the wood homes, past the small
lakes of water. I feel like I’ve been struggling in this
desperation for too long.
I could think of a thousand reasons to give up:
the road too tough to maneuver
not having the skills needed to navigate
that voice in my ear that keeps saying
that no one would notice my presence.
That failure and success are illusions.
That nothing is permanent anyway:
I can’t make those I love stay.
The movie of succeeding is a farce.
Yet, I was never a quitter.
I never needed someone else to save me.
I am the woman in the threadbare sandles.
Carrying a simple pack.
I can’t stop going: in dreams, I’ve seen the promised land.