.Journey Through June: Short Responses
Doing this month’s challenges in a survey format.
I have been more off than on this month with Keeley Schroder’s prompts for June. I have answered some, but I said that I wanted to answer all.
So, I’m going to do something different. I’m going to post all of the prompts here and then seek to answer them using 150 words or less.
Share some glimmers from your day
- Cuddling with my husband this morning and avoiding my alarms like the plague.
- Excitement about my new wedding ring coming in on Sunday. We spent a few hours at the mall searching yesterday.
Back in January/February, I got really angry over a family situation. Randy turned his back on me and I threw my wedding ring at his back. Was never able to find it. Recently, I’ve been feeling guilty about not wearing one. So, I spent my “birthday budget” from him replacing it. This one actually has diamonds!
3. Time with my dogs.
Stream of consciousness free write — Let your mind wander and your fingers follow. Set the clock for five minutes and write only for that amount of time. You may edit punctuation, grammar, and spelling but try not to mess with the integrity of your consciousness.
You can find mine here: Freewrite
Have you ever been in a car accident? Thanks Jerry Dwyer for suggesting this one.
In short, I was in multiple. The one in 2020 where I wrecked my mom’s car was the most impactful.
A conversation with a sibling you wish you could’ve had
I don’t have siblings. I do have a longtime friend (Sarah) who I consider a sister. I just hope she knows how much I love her and that she can always come to me for anything.
Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?
Yes, I do. I actually really enjoy hearing the stories of others.
Do the effects of ageing bother you?
Not at all. It’s difficult for me because I feel that I live in a body that is double my age due to chronic pain. The effects like wrinkles, I welcome.
Is there something in your house that might be classed as antique?
No, but I keep things as long as possible.
Write a poem about doing laundry
I actually did this one! 4 Laundry Baskets
Is there a teacher who has influenced or inspired you?
My poetry professor was a powerful teacher, inspiration, and friend to me. I wrote about her during National Poetry Month.
Peeing in the shower: yay or nay?
I’ve done it twice in my life. Mainly because I couldn’t find the bathroom. Overall, though, it’s a nay.
Are you the same now as you were in high school? Thanks to NancyO for suggesting this one.
I’m very different physically. I was diagnosed with lymphedema during college which ended up taking away most of my mobility. My best friend from there is someone I still hold in high regard and love. My quest for learning and gaining knowledge has not wavered.
Are you good at recognizing people’s faces?
I’m much better with faces than names. It’s sometimes embarrassing because my line is usually “I know that I’ve met you. I’m so sorry, but I forget your name”.
Write about a neologism you’ve heard recently and didn’t know the meaning of
I can’t think of anything recent. I will share an interesting story instead. In 2016/17, the term BAE became popular. It means “before anyone else”. I spent a weekend this month going to Pittsburgh Pirates games with my husband. They have a player whose last name is BAE, so I heard songs that included the word BAE more than they should.
Something you do for your mental health
I wrote this post, but I remember it being rather long. So, I’ll just say that reading, especially books that make me think, are one of my most used strategies.
Foreign food that sounds weird to you
Pretty much everything. I have a basic 10-meal rotation when I’m at home. If I’m feeling adventurous, I usually go for Chinese. That’s about as far as I go so everything else seems strange.
The last person on earth you’d want to travel with
The girl who was the maid of honor at my wedding.
Do you regret having children? If you don’t have kids, do you think you’ll ever regret your decision?
I do not have children and I don’t think I’ll regret that decision. For me, I never felt the desire to have kids that didn’t wear fur (Max and Lady!). I have medical conditions that were passed down to me that make life rather complicated (I’m at risk of diabetes and have lymphedema). I don’ t want the next generation to inherit. Finally, there are some things in today’s society that I would be concerned about sending my child to every day.
That being said, I have a deep respect for those who have decided to bring life into the world and are good parents.
Show me your writing spot
My desk is a continual mess as I use it for everything- reading, art and journaling projects, and writing. So, I will instead show you my favorite place to write at home. The canopy usually keeps the sun off and I’ll take advantage of being outdoors as much as possible.
What does freedom mean to you?
Freedom means having a choice. A choice of how you want to spend your time, your life or your interests and beliefs. While there may be consequences of the things that I choose I’d rather have the freedom to make the decision.
Write a poem about the weather today
Sun shines bright,
though not overheating,
no rain in sight,
need to get out there and write!
Do you like going to the dentist?
I really hate it. I always had bad teeth that needed constant work.
Are you afraid to say no?
On the contrary, I think I’m more afraid to say yes. My word for this year is adventure and I think that it was sent to me because I don’t give things a chance before saying no. I’m slowly learning that there are some things that I would rather say yes to and learn that it’s not for me. The old adage, you’ll never know if you don’t give it a shot.
Do you collect anything? ‘
Books, journaling supplies, and notebooks. It’s not as intentional as it seems.
What is the most annoying thing your neighbors do?
Yell at my dogs.
Do you ever feel over-stimulated?
If I consume media for hours over-stimulation is common. I’ve fallen into a few bad habits that I need to change.
Things you always take with you whether you’re going away for one night or one week?
Usually my laptop, some crafting supplies, and a notebook.
What’s the last thing you received in the mail?
Capital One solicitation.
A day in the life of you. Write about your day
A day in my life is rather interesting. Mostly because I usually sleep in two segments. I’m usually up between 2:30 and 5. During this time I read and work on my journaling practice.
I wake up again around 9, I’ll go outside with my journal, my phone. I have a cigarette or two (yes, I’m a smoker). I sometimes watch youtube or free-write. My brain has not yet kicked over. Sometime between 11–12, I start to write.
I spend a few hours writing. After, I might some time watching an on-line course or just reading for fun.
My husband gets off around 6, so depending on the day, the time after is usually spent with him.
Each month is different, and with July starting, I know that I’ll be in workshops on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The breakdown provided is for the months I’ve spent off of Ninja Writers.
What is something you’ve successfully grown?
My journaling practice. Honestly, I can’t keep plants or flowers alive to save my life.
The most valuable life lesson you’ve learned
There are two…
- You’re not promised tomorrow. So, the things that you need to do, do them today.
- Whatever you decide to engage with- you get out of it what you put in.
This post is in response to Keeley Schroder’s Journey Through June Prompts.
Tagging a few of the regulars: The Sturg, Ruby Noir 😈, Karen Schwartz, NancyO, Randy Pulley, Autistic Widower ("AJ"), Paula Shablo, Bonnie L. Boucek, Michael Rhodes, Katie Michaelson, Adrian CDTPPW