It’s Not too Late, Just Refocus
A love letter to myself and anyone else who needs a reminder when they feel they have fallen behind on their goals.
Dear Self,
I know your constant need to be a planner, to feel ahead and to drive yourself past your breaking point to reach your goals. I see you there every day, journal in hand, writing out your intentions for the next five years, one year, three months and today. I love the fact that you are so driven.
However, when you take on so much, I also see your frustration. I see you wanting to chalk it up as “maybe it’s not time yet”.
I hear the words you tell yourself about goal setting and how you pale in comparison and shouldn’t want anything beyond mediocrity.
It breaks a part of me deeper down when I hear the words you tell yourself about being a failure.
You speak those words because you are not where you so desperately want to be, and want to give up.
It breaks me because I know that you are capable of what you want, it just might not happen in the time that you want it to.
Sometimes a dream takes longer to be fulfilled than you’re willing to wait. I know your natural tendency is to want to give up and backslide into unhealthy behaviors. However, if that dream keeps coming back, it’s worth pursuing.
It might take your effort to refocus and to want to try again. It might take you committing to small progress every day until you reach that point.
Daniel Bryan once said, “fight for your dreams and they will fight for you”. In case you need the reminder, he was told for eight YEARS that he would never wrestle again, no doctor would medically clear him. (This was after he had a neck injury taking him out of action in his prime.)
He spent time around the business he loved: as a scout, a commissioner, and behind the scenes. He was so close every day to what he loved, but still couldn’t have.
Until one day, after working hard and never giving up his dream, the doctors told him he MIGHT be able to wrestle again. He trained hard, and made it reality.
When was the last time you tried to accomplish something for eight years? I’m not bashing you, you’re hard enough on yourself already.
However, the point is you know you need to keep pursuing the dreams you have: of being debt free, making your hobby a side hustle, of marrying the right person, of living in your favorite small town.
Don’t give up. When you quit, you lose your momentum. You know this. Slow down, refocus your energy, learn something new. Try small steps daily instead of giant leaps.
Think of many of the greats, including Stephen King. They didn’t know if they would get their big break and they faced rejection, including rejection of themselves. King threw away his first masterpiece. It’s only because his wife rescued the manuscript that we now know and love his work.
Keep working in spite of fear of rejection. Your commitment will pay off.
Think of one or two action steps you can take today to get closer to your goal: is there an expense you can cut? Something new to learn? Finding another place to submit your work? What is the cost of rent in Erie? What moves you closer to that goal?
Pursue only one or two small actions today. Start again tomorrow, whether you need to take the same steps or different ones.
Mark your progress on the calendar on the days you work for your goal. Keep a list of everything you need to accomplish that goal. Cross them off one by one when you’ve emerged victorious.
Progress is a series of tiny steps. Each one counts. Which one will you take today to build up to the ultimate goal?
It helps to read the books, blogs and stories of others who are currently and have accomplished what you want. Learn from them in terms of what works or doesn’t. Having encouragement and a possible blueprint will help with the planning and inspiration stages of reaching your goal.
You have what it takes inside of you to make this goal happen. It might take you longer, require more than you think you can give, and be an uphill fight. However, you know deep down that you got this.
Don’t focus on how far behind you think you are. Focus on the steps that lead closer to your goal. Keep taking them. Reflect monthly… I know you’ll be suprised by your progress.
The point is, it’s not too late. You’re still breathing, which means you have the gift of right now to accomplish your goals.
One last thing, beyond remembering that you got this (and you do), and not to beat yourself up (you would never do that to a friend).
Be grateful for the lessons you learn along the way. Everything that happens is a teacher. It’s up to you to glean the lessons. Be grateful for the small things. Small leads to big.
I love you and I know you got this,