In My Eyes
In my eyes- you are invincible:
Built to last. Without fault.
Even when wracked with cancer,
I couldn’t see your end upcoming.
To me, you were perfect.
I never saw a single fault.
It’s still a man who resembles
your character that I search for.
From the lake blue eyes to the
straight arrow of your advice.
From the slight temper that made
you bang on a table because the
typewriter malfunctioned to the
calming presence you had on others.
Not exactly a contradiction- just two sides
of a coin that my heart swallowed whole.
You’ve been gone for 20 years.
My heart still searches for your voice:
on the waves of the lake at the peninsula.
To the horizon outline of boats out past eyeshot.
To that inner calm and knowing that I’ve done
exactly what you imagined I would do.
A young child sitting at your feet grown
into a woman who’s definition of success
is hearing you tell me You did well.