Forgiveness Is the Key to Your Next Level
Every season is an optimal time to let go of the things that no longer serve us. Right now, fall is setting in across the United States. Fall often represents the season of letting go. As the trees shed their leaves, it’s a perfect time to question what no longer works.
It’s also an ideal time to question what letting go makes more room for in our own lives. A lot of times this letting go and choosing aspect is regulated to decluttering possessions or changing habits. Mental declutters and letting old wounds heal also fit this theme perfectly.
In all aspects, getting to the next level or season of our lives involves letting go. In order to move on, it’s important to finish out the current season completely.
“You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.” ― C. JoyBell C.
What we choose to carry with us daily impacts our current season. It also halts any progress on moving forward. When we choose to carry grudges, we can’t fully move on to the next thing in life.
Unforgiveness causes a number of negative effects:
- Rumination on the event and the person. This causes negative thought processes (and mood)
- Staying stuck in a situation that perhaps happened a long time ago
- Wasting too much precious time and energy
- Causing a stunting in your own growth
- Build up of toxic sludge in both heart and mind
It’s a hard road sometimes to forgive someone who has really hurt us. They may not acknowledge the damage they’ve done. Sometimes they will have people behind them that will justify their actions.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.– Mahatma Gandhi
It’s easy to dream of usual or unusual revenge plans. However, what is important to realize is that we are damaging our own growth.
Karma is a force that we can create in our own lives that can be positive or negative. By living compassionately towards those who hurt us, we create better karma for ourselves. It also prepares us for growth
There’s a fine line between what forgiveness does or does not mean.
Yes to:
- Setting ourselves free
- Creating positive energy around ourselves
- Developing a healthier outlook
- More room for growth, development and things that light us up
- More energy
No (unless we want to):
- Letting those people back in our lives
- Believing that they are right about the situation
- Immediately trusting the person again
So, the next time that you think about letting go of what no longer serves, think about what grudges you’re bearing. Isn’t it easier to just let them go? Get ready for the next season. Once you’ve cleared the sludge from this level, you’re going to notice that you’re ready. Know that you’re going to have more energy for what will matter most, both in the here and now and going forward.