Benefits You’ll Love and Need from Doing Nothing
Let Yourself Off the Hook
Our culture worships business: the main job, side hustle, relational hats, getting major projects done, and appointments that cram our schedule.
As humans in the 21st century, we spend a lot of time bragging how busy we are. We want it all, we want to be able to acheieve huge goals, excel in every area of our lives and still have a perfect dinner on the table after working hard towards getting that raise.
Burn out becomes easy in these situations.
When we forget to rest, we become over-stimulated, worn down and tired. When we keep pushing ourselves, despite our bodies warnings and our emotional and mental state, we further disintegrate.
The truth is, we weren’t meant to be in constant motion. We weren ‘t meant to be in strain mode all of the time.
I’m not going down the road of saying that goals and dreams are not important. That it’s not vital to have one or sometimes more jobs. We need all of these things, but when we allow them to overrule us, it becomes a problem.
Taking time each day is vital. I’ve already talked about taking at least five minutes to do nothing, but we often need more than just five minutes.
Being in constant motion is counterproductive. We think that we achieve more, but over time, this constant motion state makes us less productive. It becomes harder to accomplish more when we just want to rest and take it easy.
Schedule time today to just do nothing. Nothing can be defined as vegging, as extra sleep, as sitting on the porch and people watching or as just taking time to pet the dogs and sit back.
The benefits of doing nothing:
- recharging batteries
- more productivity afterward
- clearer thinking
- better rest
Don’t miss life as it unfolds because of a busy schedule. Don’t push yourself to the point where you feel like crashing and burning. Give yourself the gift of doing nothing for a little while today and see if it recharges you.
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, even you. -Anne Lamott