4 Tiny Steps Toward Getting More Out of Small Occasions
Because even the small things are memorable
As I write this, I’m sitting in a venue I’ve never been to, at my first ever Punk show. It’s intermission and I’m waiting for a band I’ve heard only briefly to take the stage.
As short as a few months ago, this wouldn’t be special. I aim for one show a month, mostly in the genre of metal. However, as of late, I’ve been more of a homebody. Shows have been more of an occasion than the norm.
Instead of taking this show for granted, I’m actually (for the first time in years) taking the time to savor it. I’m realizing how many times I took a show like this for granted in the past and I’m thinking about ways to make small things more special.
Do less of similar events if so inclined
Concerts are more precious to me now because they happen less frequently. Although I know there are numerous concerts per month, I’ve trained myself to be more selective. My attendance went from 8 shows a month to 1 show per month to a few times a year.
Maybe you’re at the point where things don’t seem as special because they happen continually and frequently. Where something that once seemed special has become commonplace.
Taking a brief pause from that particular activity might be helpful. You don’t have to abstain from every event, or decide to never go to another of that type of event. By abstaining in terms of frequency or taking a small break, the times that the event occurs will be more enjoyable.
Plan Out in Advance
Hygge theory states that even small occasions can be experiences. That for maximum enjoyment, there is a process. This process involves some advance planning, budgeting. The process includes allowing yourself to enjoy the build up, the actual event and your memories of the experience of the event.
Be Mindful of what is taking place around you
The whacky wig that one guy is wearing, the lighting that makes the venue feel intimate, the cute costumes at the Halloween event.
What’s around you? What can you take in through the five senses?
The practice of mindfulness will allow for a deeper absorbing of the experience and build a more permanent memory.
Be open to the unfolding of the event
Take in it, preferably without digital means. Get off the phone. Meet new people, allow things to run longer than anticipated. Be open to the possibility that something great could happen at the event and look for it to happen.
These are the steps to being open and getting more enjoyment from any small occasion. Being more mindful opens us up to what is going on around us. That makes the event more memorable. The process of planning ahead and building anticipation helps us view even a small event as important. By following the steps above, each event will be able to implement a stronger memory. That’s what we’re all looking for, right? The ability to truly enjoy each small occasion.